Canberra was not what I was expecting a national capital to be like. I should have figured out that something was wrong when I found out that there are no direct international flights to Canberra. But anywho, I arrived at my home in Duffy which is no where near campus but is still a nice place. I went to the law school (two weeks late) and introduced myself to my professors and whatnot and started classes. My courses for the first semester were; Foundations of Australian Law, Torts Law, Contract Law, and Criminal Law & Procedure.
First person I met in ANU Law school is a dude named Marty(aka Big Pimpin aka Capt. Awesome). Mad chill guy, he's pretty much one of the frontmen of the JD class of 2010. He's also the first person I went out drinking with (it was either at King O'Malleys or Mooseheads for the Law School Launch party or something). I think I met Amy (aka wahine) around the same time, she's a pretty solid chick, kinda crazy, but fun nonetheless. There's also Terry, a interesting fellow but really
cool. I kinda destroyed his kidney or liver due to excess drinking but he'll be ok. Desiree....well, Dezzi is a bit odd in her own right, and its hard to tell but I'm still trying to figure out what species she is. She sleeps on average 11-12 hours a day which makes me think shes a bear, but when she's awake she is always sleepy which would make her a sloth, but she sleeps during the day which would make her a vampire.
First met Carmel in the library, she helped me out with my criminal tutorial question. I kept calling here Caramel but mistake until Terry (i think) corrected me. I still call her Caramel to pick on her but when I do she beats me(devastating). Then there's my main man J.R. who loves his Starbucks coffee along with his other vices. Lady Jin, kickass Korean chick who likes to go
"extreme". Charles, future leader of China and will lay the smackdown on all who opposes him and Vic, the first of my list of "Aussie Made, Jinx Approved" ladies who likes/loves to party but still manages to do all of her work and do it well. Some of the guys who I haven't hung out with alot but still are mad chill dudes and brother JD's are Nick, who is a guy I think will change the world one day by finally helping Africa
get it's act together, Big Sam who at first was a quiet dude with a thick burly Aussie accent then after a party I met him at the bar and found out that he is quite crazy. Matt, who is overshadowed by his....umm...'better' half and a fan of a team that will be killed by St. Kilda is a cool dude. I cant wait to see him cut loose. Long-Haired Sam is a chill dude, he's a studier but does come out to party once in awhile and Dan, who I haven't gotten a chance to really chill with him outside of class but is also a cool dude.

First met Carmel in the library, she helped me out with my criminal tutorial question. I kept calling here Caramel but mistake until Terry (i think) corrected me. I still call her Caramel to pick on her but when I do she beats me(devastating). Then there's my main man J.R. who loves his Starbucks coffee along with his other vices. Lady Jin, kickass Korean chick who likes to go

Kate......well, she's special. She's kinda the outspoken leader and representative of our JD class.

(I think thats all the FT JD's) The semester started off without a hitch, and everything was going well until we received our first law assignment.
I like Anne, I really really do but she is absolutely worthless when it came to that case note we had to write in Contracts(fucking contracts). Nobody had any idea what he/she was doing for

After exam hell, we (the JD class) went out to celebrate our victory/defeat of midsemester exams. The night ended up going pretty well. The entire break consisted of Terry, Dezzi and myself going to the Pub everyday. Goodtimes. The second half of the semester went kinda quickly. I had the JD's and other people over my house for a BBQ which turned out to be the death of Terry's liver. We had all meat and no veggies, it was a Man's BBQ. Good amount of people showed up and hopefully enjoyed themselves. We worked through the rest of the semester and then prepared for finals
The JD Finals schedule had 3 finals on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Foundies, Criminal, and Torts) and the last final a week after. I moved into my second home during this time (the Law
School Commonroom) which became my place of study for finals. After finals were done, we had an excellant cocktail party at Kate and Matts place. I drank.....well I drank alot. There's pictures...which I hope will not see the light of day. I got my final grades back the other day, which can be described as bittersweet. I got a 80-HD (a fucking HD!!!) in Contract Law, a 72-D in Foundies, 70-D in Criminal but I got a PX in Torts which mean that I have to take a extra exam to try to pass the course. (FUCK!)
So it's been an interesting semester, met cool people, had sweet parties, made good friends. I cannot wait for next semester...wait...Australian Public Law, Legal Theory, International Law and Lawyers, Justice, & Ethics? Fuck me.

So it's been an interesting semester, met cool people, had sweet parties, made good friends. I cannot wait for next semester...wait...Australian Public Law, Legal Theory, International Law and Lawyers, Justice, & Ethics? Fuck me.