Monday, June 16, 2008

Dramatic Chipmunk Headlines Presents; Unimportant but Dramatic Stories!

Gay Clergy in the U.K. marry and Elian Gonzalez becomes a COMMUNIST!

Two men who happen to be clergy marry in the U.K. So you know what that means...CIVIL WAR between the libbys and the conservatives of the Anglican Church of England. While the liberals believe that marriage between men is not such a big deal, the conservatives want a full-fledged investigation into the matter. Archbishop Orombi of Uganda has stated that the Church of England needs to take action or else see the church disintegrate. He concluded by stating;

"What really shocks me is that this is happening in the Church of England that first brought the Gospel to us."

Although civil unions are legal per se in the U.K., it is frown upon if members of the Church of England blesses the ceremony. There will be a investigation into this matter and the futures of the clergy now rest in God's hands...or people who claim to represent God's wishes...its hard to tell nowadays.

But even more shocking is that Elian Gonzalez, the little boy who took the minds and hearts of all Americans have become the most dreaded of America's enemies...A Card-Carrying Commie!! That's right people, he has become Cuba's Youth Communist (they should probably look at a name change in my opinion). Why Elian Why?? Were we not good to you? What made you turn on us? Was it the fact that after you and your family rowed 50 miles in a leaky boat only to live in Miami for like 2 minutes and find out that you are to be deported back to Cuba and trying to fight the deportation only for then Attorney General Janet Reno to tell you to "fuck off" and orders the immediate deportation and for you and your uncle (i think) to be caught hiding in the closet by a BORTAC agent pointing his MP5 Submachine gun directly at your eye??? you joined the communist party because we treated you like shit and you live in a Communist country? Makes sense.

See you next time.

Viva la Revolutionaries

I just want to address this issue shortly. The ideal of the 'revolutionary' in it's past state is a dieing breed. Staying within the 20th century, the ideals of past revolutionaries such as Che Guevara, Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. have usually either been thrown aside (more or less), been generally forgotten, or have been mocked in a rather ironic way (see picture to the side). These men have forfeit their lives to serve the greater good of the people they represent. They are not looking for glory or wealth or even recognition. They are just looking for a better way of life. Their ideals will probably last forever which have gained these particular men a sense of immortality but with so many historic figures, the ideals they fought for usually ends up becoming "altered" along with the passing of time.

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was a champion of civil rights among minorities within the United States. He faced many death threats, had his phone and hotel rooms "bugged" by the FBI, and even had his home in Alabama bombed with his family still inside (the family survived) and yet he still fought on. While his dream of his children growing up in the U.S. and being judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin has somewhat come true (its a work-in-progress), White AND Black Americans have done much to diminish his legacy. White student's at a university in the U.S. celebrated MLK day by having a "Gangsta" party where they dress up as hip-hop artist and gangsters where they drink 40oz of malt liquor and act 'thug'. For Black Americans, I'll go to the unlikely source of Aaron McGruder(creator of the Boondocks). The episode of the Boondocks which featured MLK went on to discuss what would happen if MLK were alive today. It is stated during the show that the current generation of black people have willfully assumed the negative racial stereotypes associated with them and that the people of the Civil Rights Era did not fight for this kind of future. I believe this to be true.

Che Guevara is a revolutionary who fought against neo-colonialism and capitalism within Latin America before his death in 1967. He sacrificed his life for his people through war and suffering and he eventually became a representative of the people on the world stage, which lead to his eventual execution. After all that he has taught the world, how do we honor him? By putting his image on a pair of fucking socks. It's quite ironic actually. A man who dedicated his life to fight foreign capitalism is now having his image printed on a T-Shirt and sold for $24.99 at Old Navy retail stores across the U.S.

There will always be revolutionaries as long as there is conflict within the world we live in today. But will they suffer the same fate that past revolutionaries have? I think so, but at the end of the day some will gain an amazing insight to what the revolutionary brought to their lives, others will ignore the message and go around wearing a Che t-shirt. Its the way of the world.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Look at the Future

The JD program is a newly formed group of super geniuses...some say with awesome super powers, who attend the Australian National University. With all new super groups though, comes the strain of the building process. The LSS approached our group begging us to lend them a Representative from our collective of super geniuses. A candidate stepped forward and ran unopposed for about two weeks, that's when I decided to take my shot in the deadly arena of law school politics. I will not run a smear campaign against any of my opponents but instead highlight my lies...i mean promises that I will fulfill when elected into office. First, I promise to have the ANU Law School drop the requirement of Constitutional Law from the JD program. For us to learn a document in which the entire Australian system of life is based off of is ludicrous, we're Americans damnit. Secondly, I will implement a plan to give JD's unlimited Internet access and a paper quota of 30,000 pages a semester. What is this 80mb bullshit? We deserve more as JD students. Thirdly, I will work day and night to have JD's graded with either HD or D. JD's don't get C's, P's and N's. We are only getting them now because of racism. I have more plans for the future so check out this spot later for more updates for what I will do for the JD program. But just in case you do not know who I'am;

My name is Jinxy Best and I want to serve YOU as the Juris Doctor representive of the Law School Society.

My Love-Hate Affair with the Death Penalty: Jinx's subjective view of the death penalty in America

The Dreadful Death Penalty. The Repulsive Death Penalty. The Necessary Death Penalty?

When I was about 9 years old I was asked; "What do you want to be when you grow up?" At that time I had already begun to dabble in human rights issues (very lightly though, i was only 9) and I answered; "I wanna be Secretary-General of the U.N., or a ninja." Leaving my fall-back plan of being an practitioner of the ancient japanese art of assassination aside for the time being, I wanted to (and still want to) be in charge of a organization that deals with and attempts to solve issues dealing with the problems of the world. At the time I had no real understanding of human rights issues but I knew what was right from wrong.

Now, is it ever right to take one's life due to a crime committed? In the United States you are eligible for the death penalty for Murder, Treason against the U.S., and rape of a child under the age of 10 in Louisiana. During my early to mid teens, I was a somewhat hesitant backer of the death penalty. In the late 90's (i think 1997-98) the state of Texas executed Terry Washington, a mentally handicap male with communication skills of a 7 year old. What makes it 'ok' to ever execute a person with a diminished capacity? I asked myself that question over a thousand times when I first read about Mr. Washington's death while I was in high school. It was then that I decided that the United States needed to abolish the death penalty. I started going to rallies, and other protests directly after Mr. Washington's death but my newly found passion for the death penalty to be abolished was short lived.

Texas-1998. James Byrd (the victim) accepted a ride home from Three..."men" by the names of John King, Lawrence Brewer, and Shawn Berry. Two of the three (King & Brewer) were members of a white-supremacist gang while in prison. Instead of taking Mr. Byrd home, the three "men" took him behind a store, began to beat him, chained him by the ankles to their pickup truck, stripped him naked, possibly slit his throat (but still alive) and dragged him about three miles. The autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road resulting in Byrd's decapitation.

King, Berry, and Brewer dumped Byrd's mutilated remains in the town's black cemetery, and then went to a barbecue. The Texas State Police found Byrd's remains scattered in 75 different places across the road the next day. King, Brewer, and Berry were caught by the FBI quite quickly. In a jailhouse letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!" King wrote. John King & Lawrence Brewer were charged with murder and sentenced to die. Shawn Berry was given life in prison.

After hearing about this, I became more pro-death then I have ever been. Being black myself, it could have just as easily been me in Mr. Byrd's position. I felt a strong 'hatred' for these "men" mainly due to King and Brewer having felt no remorse for what they have done. Why should they live when they gruesomely took the life of a man just for the color of his skin? When they were sentenced I felt as if they were getting off a bit too easy(I wanted cruel and unusual punishment thrown out - me being evil), but in the end I was content with the way they were sentenced. If you are not a minority then it would be difficult to understand why I felt this way. Being killed in this day and age because you are not white is never a pleasant thing to think about and is still a real possibility that it could happen to any minority.

I stood by this position until one day I decided (along with a friend) to visit men and women on 'death row' for a college program and gain a perspective of what the accused have to go through after sentencing and knowing they are about to die. That was truly a life-changing experience. Most if not all were just 'normal' as you and me. What brought them to jail was a robbery gone wrong, a fit of passion which got out of control and other situations that plenty of us have been through, but in our case we just stop short of doing something stupid. The people I visited were humble, soft-spoken, and a bit...broken. I left there with a new grasp on what these people have to go through after their mistake. While I still have my reservations about King and Brewer, I began to soften my stance on the death-penalty. My beliefs were later tested after the events of September 11th, 2001.

I know what you are thinking; "Oh, here's another American that wants to kill the Muslim world." The events of 9/11 will always be burned in my mind, but I was talking about the events after 9/11 with American society in general. A close friend of mine who is Indian of the Sikhism religion received a call 3 days after 9/11 saying that her father was killed. He wasn't killed by "terrorist" per se but by a group of men in New Jersey who mistook him for a Muslim and beat him into a short coma which then proceeded to death. He was wearing a turban, which the perpetrators saw and began to verbally harass him calling him a "towel-head" and a "Sand-N*gger". They began to beat him for what he "did" to the U.S. and left him for dead on the side of the road.

This situation hurt me quite badly. I knew her father, I met him on a few occasions and he always carried himself with a sense respect for everyone around him. He is and always will be a great man. The men that killed him were sentenced between roughly 17-30 years. I remember my friend telling me sometime after that although she wanted these men to suffer and die, it would not bring her father back. She visited these men in jail, which is one of the bravest things I have ever seen. She reasoned with them, listened to what they had to say, even at some points joked with them. Although she could never forgive them (which she told the men) she will prey that they make a positive difference in someones life while in jail and when they are released.

My friend and I ended up agreeing that it was a fit of rage, ugly and terrible but they should not be executed for it. Although I believed they should have received at least 40-50 years for their deed. When you kill someone, you take away their past, present, and future. 17 years is nowhere near enough in my book.

As of today, I feel that the death-penalty in the U.S. should be changed...drastically. I still cannot honestly say that I'm against the death penalty now, but I'm still rather disgusted for what you can be executed for also. In the end though, who are we to judge who can live and who must die. There are crimes where you are executed for a momentary lapse of judgement and there are times you are executed for horrific crimes which makes it hard to make a case for the perpetrator not to be executed. How do you judge on who deserves to die?

Monday, June 9, 2008

I should be studying for my law exams but instead I'm creating a blog...

I`d like to welcome any and everyone to my blog. I'm currently "studying" for my first law school finals at the Australian National University. I have Foundies, Criminal Law, and Torts this week which I'm in no way prepared for but you know...procrastination, that's why i decided to do this blog thingy (again). Lets hope this will be the first of many blogs unless I either get tired of writing day after day, win the lottery and go to Vegas and blow it all on cheap hookers and booze, fail out of law school and accidentally run over a police officers' foot and then refuse to drive off, or die from multiple beating from the ladies of the JD class for trying to get in their pants by saying;

"Makin` love for two. Makin` love for two minutes. When it`s with me you only need two minutes, cause I`m so intense. Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven."

But before any of that happens, I'm going to be as honest as possible so I hope I won`t damage anyone`s feelings beyond repair but I do intend to ruffle a few feathers now and then. Whether it be political views, religious input or how Coldplay doesn't rock one little bit. Come on, Speed of Sound, Clocks, ITS THE SAME FREAKING SONG! Everyone says how great they are but they really don`t notice this. It`s like I`m taking crazy pills. Freak out aside, I`m not going for shock value in my upcoming blogs, just some old fashioned debate on everything under the sun. You will be hearing from me very soon. Till then, aloha